Wednesday, September 16, 2009

second week teaching

This is my second week teaching, and the students are delightful. The monitors are giving me the class lists of names, which are delightful in themselves. For some reason, Chinese students pick very strange English names. The most memorable one so far was chosen by a female student who wanted to be called "Dracula". I told her she couldn't be called Dracula, so she chose the name Cherry for herself. Other student names include Echo, Jarry, Yosmine, Anky, Luna, and Chitty. And those are all from one class. The delimma: do I make ALL of them change their names? Sure, Dracula definitely needed to change her name. But I hate taking away their identity so quickly. I just need to find a way to be able to call role with a straight face somehow....
Another delightful part of teaching these precious students is the comments they wrote about themselves on a notecard I assigned them to fill out. For example, Diana writes, "People will remember me easily, even though we are the first time to meet. Why? Because of my short stature: I smile everyday. I have a motto: my stature is short, but my power is endless. If you have unhappy, call me, my telephone is right here waiting for you. If you have something delicious, please! Don't forget me. That's me, I just do myself."
Sarah writes, "I'm a sensitive girl. A girl like the winter. I like the sentence that from Sandra Cisneros: Until then, I am a red balloon, a balloon tied to an anchor. I think it's like me."
Phoebe says, "I'm an optimistic and outgoing girl. I like to making friends. I wish everybody is happy."
I could go on, but I won't. Let's just say that I consider myself very fortunate to have this job.

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