Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Team Hengyang Scavenger Hunt

This year, we have 2 new teachers and 5 returning teachers on our team. So far, the enthusiasm and cooperation levels on the team are high. Last week we did 5 days of team building, plus a morning of lesson planning, as an intro to our year in Hengyang. One of the days, we did a Scavenger Hunt of things around town. The old teachers enjoyed showing the new teachers around, and I think everyone learned a lot. Here are some pictures of our day together.


This post is meant to serve as an apology to my very sparce blog entries. As an explanation, when i finally have time to sit down and write an entry, i simply can't think of anything to write about! Part of my problem is that i don't know exactly who i'm writing to, and don't really know what types of things my reader would enjoy reading about. sometimes i read my friends' blogs and enjoy them immensely. This should encourage my writing, but somehow it doesn't. anyway, my apologies for not writing very much. Maybe that will change this year, and maybe it won't. Suggestions for topics would be welcome anytime, however. Please enjoy the pictures i just posted on Facebook of Team the Hengyang Scavenger Hunt.